Sunday 13 November 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Well, I've finally realized just how busy Term 2 can be, and I'm not even half way done yet.  Currently our biggest assignment is a Flash game.  This is a project we do in groups of five people, and we have six weeks to create a fully functional Flash game that you would find on the internet.  We're all given specific roles, of which I am the Designer - which entails level design, the interface (menus), how the game and upgrades should work and so on.  It's quite the experience so far, and although there is plenty of work still to do on it, the project is quite enjoyable and I'm excited for the final results.

I've been working on an assignment in a program called Unreal Development Kit (UDK) which is used to create many video games.  We needed to create two rooms and decorate them with Static Meshes and Materials - I love it.  The creativity aspects of it, and the sense of accomplishment as the rooms are being created, is just awesome!

The picture above shows what I've been doing for the assignment so far, as there is more to it than what can just be seen from the picture, it's taken many hours.  Remember I didn't make, or model any of the objects on screen, I just laid out the foundations for the rooms and then inserted, moved, and scaled objects together.

Vancouver life is much different from what I'm used too, especially on late nights.  I usually always hear someone yelling at another person, or some sort of chaos taking place - I guess that's expected while going to school a block away from East Hastings and Maine Street.  With this in mind I will never pull out my phone, or listen to my iPod while I'm in that area of town to reduce the chance of getting mugged - better be safe than sorry.  On the brighter note, McDonald's gave free coffee out for all of last week, I took advantage of that and had about ten cups within three days - quite enjoyable.  

An odd sighting; across our street there is a store, or room (I'm not to sure), with windows and a clear glass door leading into it, but for some odd reason there used to be about a hundred pink balloons filling the entire room up to the roof.  It's the strangest thing and made me laugh every time I saw it, but unfortunately the balloons are gone now - they were in the store for a couple of months though.  Whether they were trying to hide something, or just trying to attract attention, it was pretty sweet. 

School in Chinatown really can be weird sometimes... but a good weird.

So that's a quick little update in the life of Andrew, I hope that you, whoever may be reading this, are doing fantastic!
Thanks for reading :)